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Foods Industry

Foods Industry

With the introduction of high technology and intelligence, production equipment in the food industry has become more sophisticated in application, which can greatly improve production and manufacturing efficiency and its customization capabilities. This type of industrial automation demand is often realized and applied in its [production line], especially the conveying and material handling system equipment, which can optimize the efficiency of the production process, balance the operating speed of all components, and reduce downtime. With the combination of food monitoring and the Internet of Things, various production data can be collected in real time and uploaded to the cloud platform for computing operations, helping the industry shorten decision-making time and reduce resource input. IT applications can help the traditional food industry to transform from the past labor-intensive, reduce labor costs, and improve the safety of the working environment. Through sensing and monitoring equipment to improve food safety, big data can provide a reference for the improvement of the industry's products or operating processes.
  • Foods ASRS

    1. 30,148 storages. 2. Inbound/outbound capacity: 240/480 trays per hour. 3. Reduce personnel consumption by 70%.
  • Coffee Bean Auto Production Equipment

    Bag opening machine, air conveying piping, stone picking, color sorter, baking machine, cooling, and packaging.
  • Sugar Factory Auto Production Equipment

    Raw sugar unloading, conveying to silo, moving trolley, unloading and stacking, conveying to refinery, filling/sewing, stacking to storage.
  • Whole Sugar Factory Auto Production

    From equipment to construction, it is designed and planned by KENMEC. We provided one-stop service to customer in this case.
  • Wine Bottle Grabbing/Boxing/Stacking

    Ensure a higher packing speed, the bottle grabbing head must be able to grab the bottle in a short time without falling.
  • Beverage Sorting/Stacking/Packing

    Through automation technology, the food filling, dispensing and conveying processes are more efficient.

  • Robot Application in Food and Beverage Industry

    1. Fast stacking speed. 2. Combined with existing production lines. 3. Reduce person injuries and costs of manual handling.